Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pitchspork Grammy Coverage


Tiger Trap S/T

So yeah this is a 'Twee' group. Not really sure if twee is supposed to be ironic or not. Bunch of girls singing about girl stuff the songs are well made. Obscure AND good so it's a 'win-win'.

Is this twee or is it just creepy. Why do Japanese people have to 'overdo everything'?

Are Virginia Slims twee?

Aguirre, The Wrath of God; Greatest Film Ever?

Seriously this movie is 'the tits'
But honestly not joking this is the greatest movie ever.

I'll let the images 'speak for themselves'

Kind of feel like it's a statement on all of man's impossible dreams

It's just too fucking good can't even be a dick about it

The 'Loveless' of movies?
100.0 is that possible?

Friday, January 29, 2010

My 'Hero'

^What I imagine my hero to look like^
This guy is who I strive to be, my goal. I mean, of course my music taste is better but he's seen more film and read more literature than I. Here's to wishing I can be on his 'level' by the end of 2k10.

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Clash - London Calling

Supposedly, this album is a 'classic' 'punk' album. Not really 'punk' at all just Rock/Pop or if I was feeling generous I might call it 'Post-Punk' but nah. Feel like the people who call this punk are the same people who say shit like, "Woody Guthrie/Patti Smith/Mick Jagger/Nikola Tesla was sooooo Punk" Also heard people say that they 'pay homage' to Elvis with the lettering of the title but I thought Punk was about 'pushing boundaries' not producing the same stuff we've heard over and over but this time the guy's voice is kind of scratchy and they wear combat boots. 80 minutes too! All classic albums are ~40 minutes long. Lost in a Supermarket is still an A+ track though kind of feel like it's a metaphor for the existential crisis that plagues post-postmodern life.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Charles Bukowski

Charles Bukowski, a legend. Before finding success as a writer, Bukowski was a step above being homeless for like 20 years. He was a 'vagrant', 'bum', 'lowlife' etc. His works were about this. Bukowski, along with 'hard boiled' detective novels are the basis of Tom Waits' lyrical style. Bukowski doesn'r have the best prose, his characters aren't particularly likable and i doubt you'd be sympathetic to them in real life but there's something so human in Henry Chianski's(fictionalized version of 'him') and his constant failures and disappointments that can 'touch us all'. You follow Henry as he goes from menial, repetitive job to job, the questionable women, booze. He truly is the 'novel laureate of the America Lowlife'(Source: Wikipedia)

He's a 10.0 without a doubt.


This movie is 'iconic' to say the least. First 'French New Wave' film recognized by not only the critics but also the ignorant masses who thought it was 'cool' and 'edgy'. Jump shots, tracking shots, and the unorthodox positioning of shots albeit arbitrary at times was innovative. There is a profound 'beatnick' vibe to thick movie, the way the guy steals cars as a means of freedom and so forth. I also wish I could smoke anywhere at anytime like they did.
I feel like me and him are 'kindred spirits' and share similar 'existential' views on the world.
10.0 I could write a book on this film